A Dobro Guitar Pickup That Gives This Loud Guitar A Bigger Boost!


Dobro guitars are a thing of beauty! There are many different styles of guitars but the dobro is as unique as they come. Apart from their eye-catching looks, dobros are built with multiple cones to help amplify and project the sound produced by the instrument. Compared to an ordinary acoustic guitar, dobros have the ability to disperse the high vibrations across the room. However, to use a dobro at a larger event, amplification is still a necessity. Dobro guitars are built to look natural and musicians want the sound of their guitars to be just as natural. We want the same thing, which is why we created our dobro pickups to keep the natural and pure sound that the dobro guitar has. We have several models of dobro pickups that work great with the dobro guitar, but we will look at three different styles of dobro pickups that ensure that you will be able to keep the natural sound of your dobro guitar.

The Grip Dobro Guitar Pickup

The first dobro guitar pickup to consider is our Myers Grip 3" or 6" dobro pickup. These dobro pickups are perfect for dobro guitars because of the application method. These dobro guitar pickups use a sturdy suction cup that is attached to the pre-amp box of the dobro pickup system. Easily attach the dobro guitar pickup straight to the body of your dobro, plug it in and play! The suction cup allows the dobro pickup to easily be applied and removed, completely hassle free. The dobro pickups also come in different gooseneck lengths. Choose either a 3" or a 6" gooseneck dobro microphone that exits out of the pre-amp box of the dobro pickup unit, and you now have the ability to precisely control where your dobro microphone will be stationed. The Grip series dobro pickups make it easy to set up and play in just a few seconds.

The Grip Plus Deluxe Dobro Guitar Pickup


Another great dobro guitar pickup is our Grip Plus Deluxe. This model comes with the same suction cup attachment, allowing it to be applied and removed easily. An added bonus of this dobro pickup is the fact that one pre-amp box houses three dobro microphones. These dobro microphones give you the ability to cover a greater area of the cover plate openings where the sound is escaping. This dobro pickup contains one 3" gooseneck and two 6" dobro microphones. Now you don't have to worry about a single note or nuance being missed, and you will still have freedom of movement because the dobro microphone is attached directly to your dobro. Forget standing in front a dobro microphone, hoping that as the sound expands out of your dobro, the stationary dobro microphone will catch it. Put the three dobro microphones right at the source and have confidence that every note will be heard!

The Feather Dobro Guitar Pickup


The last dobro pickup we're highlighting is our dobro pickup known as the "Feather”. This dobro pickup has one long dobro microphone that can easily clip onto the cover plate of your dobro. This dobro guitar pickup captures the sound and natural tone of your dobro guitar but allows you to keep the pre-amp box away from the body of the dobro guitar. Simply clip the dobro pickup pre-amp to either the dobro guitar strap or to your belt buckle. This allows the pre-amp box to be out of the way and have the most unobtrusive dobro microphone securely attached to the cover plate of your dobro. Some musicians are hesitant to use a suction cup on their instrument, and this model of our dobro pickups solves that problem, using only secure clips to hold the pre-amp box and the dobro microphones with no worries that the clips will damage your guitar in any way!

All of these dobro microphone systems work perfectly to get the best of both worlds. Keep the natural sound and feel of your dobro guitar as it was intended to be, while enjoying the freedom of consistent sound and not being stuck to a stationary dobro microphone. It is not always easy to create what you hear in your head and communicate it to the ears of those who listen but, with our dobro pickups, you will be able to keep that authentic sound you would expect to hear from a dobro guitar. Our dobro pickups are made with care and attention to the details that help any dobro performer get the most out of their dobro.

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